Welcome to 12thNight.ca

This is where you’ll find my theatre previews, reviews, and features, the plays and the players — a guide to what’s happening onstage in this theatre town. Which is what I did for, well, decades (more than three!) at the Edmonton Journal! Since 2017 I’ve transported myself exclusively to the online world.

I hope you like the name. I’ve always been attracted to Twelfth Night for the strangeness of Shakespeare’s blend of comedy and tragedy; the raucous and the romantic; melancholy and crazy joy. It’s a “comedy” that’s never neatly resolved; it’s open-ended. One character exits right out of the frame at the end. How weird is that? Madcap and marvellous, mysterious but bold.

That speaks directly to the theatre scene here, I think. The brave, lively and adventurous creators who have given Edmonton its lustre are my inspiration.

I hope you’ll enjoy the free  content of 12thnight.ca — and that you’ll be able to support continuing theatre coverage on my site by contributing an affordable monthly amount to my crucial Patreon campaign: patreon.com/12thnight.

I’m at liz.nicholls@12thnight.ca. Don’t be a stranger.
